Tom and Marilyn Beck Tom and Marilyn Beck have been supporters of the Boise Art Museum since 1975 when Marilyn joined the Beaux Arts Société, an organization of women who were fundraising for the Museum. “I had been a teacher before and had an interest in visual arts and the cultural community in Boise,” Marilyn said. As a newcomer to Boise, the group provided Marilyn with opportunities to meet people and be involved in the cultural community.

Marilyn also became involved in BAM’s Docent Program during its initial stages, recruiting several members from the Beaux Arts Société. “I assisted with the rudimentary planning and envisioning of the Docent Program and then became a docent myself,” she explained.

The dedication that the Beck’s have shown the Museum through their donated time, knowledge, and financial support is the result of a firm conviction. “BAM is central to this community and I have believed in the mission and value of this institution from the time that I moved here,” Marilyn shared. The Becks’ devotion to Boise’s cultural community led them to consider planned giving. “Legacy gifts allow the museum to stay viable into the future. They are very important to cultivate because they are a vehicle for community support and they ensure that institutions will continue to grow.”

When considering the future of the Boise Art Museum, Marilyn says that education remains her highest priority. “The educational programs at BAM have become better and better and I’d like to see that continue. I believe young people should always have access to artistic opportunities.”

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