Bill and Gini WoolleyBill and Gini Woolley became involved with BAM during the early stages of Collectors Forum, a membership group of art appreciators who are dedicated to the growth of BAM’s Permanent Collection.  This important group creates a lasting legacy by donating funds toward the acquisition of works of art that add depth and value to the Museum’s Permanent Collection, which will benefit future generations of Idahoans.

“We were invited to join Collectors Forum as founding members,” Bill explained, “but we joined the following year, in 1993, and have enjoyed being members ever since.”

The Woolleys’ visits to the Boise Art Museum have been enhanced by their participation in this membership group.  “We’ve had opportunities to travel and see a wide range of art.  We’ve enjoyed receiving great art education through our participation with Collectors Forum.”

Bill and Gini would like to see the Boise Art Museum continue to grow and thrive.  They recognize that planned gifts can offer the necessary support for sustained growth. “Any museum needs finances to continue and we are happy to make a contribution to help sustain the Boise Art Museum.  Art is a critical part in making a community vibrant and BAM is a contributing factor in making Boise a fantastic place to live.”

Bill believes the impact of making a planned gift to the Boise Art Museum will stretch beyond the walls of this institution to benefit the entire community.  “Planned giving is an easy way to contribute and the arts are a worthy investment.  Anything you can do to help improve the art community in turn helps the community as a whole.  Prospective businesses always consider opportunities in a city that offers great education and has a thriving arts community.  Making a contribution to BAM is one way to ensure the city of Boise will continue grow and thrive into the future.”

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