Night Hunter and Night Hunter House: A film and sculptural installation by Stacey Steers
Stacey Steers’ hand-made film Night Hunter is composed of more than four thousand collages and shot in 35mm color. In Night Hunter images of silent screen actress Lillian Gish are appropriated from early cinema roles and transformed into a new and haunting film rendition. The Night Hunter film evokes a disquieting dreamscape, drawn from allegory, myth and archetype.
Accompanying the film is a remarkably detailed six-foot tall Victorian house with ten rooms furnished to evoke key moments in the animation. Each of the rooms also contains a small screen displaying scenes from the Night Hunter film, creating a unique theatrical experience that can only be viewed through the windows of the house.
IMAGE: Stacey Steers, Night Hunter House (detail), 2011, mixed media, 72″ x 30″ x 30″, Courtesy of the artist and Catherine Clark Gallery.